Berita baik untuk semua, saya baru sahaja terjumpa nota ringkas ini hasil “share” dari rakan-rakan FB saya. Mungkin ini berita baik bagi sesiapa yang ingin membeli Ipad 2 disamping mengurangkan cukai pendapatan. Maklumat terperinci boleh dibaca dari teks di bawah:
“Apple iPad is entitled to LHDN personal income tax relief but not Samsung Galaxy Tab
In reference to Paragraph 46(1)(j) of Malaysian Income Tax Act 1967, an amount limited to a maximum of RM3,000 is deductible in respect of the purchase of non-business use personal computer for individual tax payer. This deduction is allowed once in 3 years, but no deduction will be granted if the computer is used for business purpose.
Now, the question: are tablet computers such as Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Viewsonic ViewPad 7, Toshiba Folio 100, CSL Spice Mi700 DroidPad, Blackberry Playbook, ZTE V9, etc. entitled for this personal income tax relief?
I have asked this question to LHDN, and the official answer is: if the tablet computer only have computer features and is for home and family use only, then it will be treated as “computer” and is entitled to the personal income tax relief of up to RM3,000, claimable once in 3 years. This will be the case for Apple iPad, Toshiba Folio 100 and Blackberry Playbook.
Let’s say you purchased an Apple iPad 64GB with Wifi+3G at the price of RM2,599 in year 2010, and your tax rate is 24%, when you file your 2010 personal income tax now, you can claim back RM2,599 tax relief, which is equilvalent to a saving of RM623.76 in your income tax.
(If you have any family member or friend or colleague who purchased Apple iPad recently, please forward this good news to them using the “Share” button below.)
However, if the tablet computer also have handphone features in addition to computer features, which mean you can make phone calls and also send SMS/MMS using the telco service with the tablet, then it will be treated as a “phone” and is not entitled to personal income tax relief. This is the case for Samsung Galaxy Tab, Viewsonic ViewPad 7, CSL Spice Mi700 DroidPad, ZTE V9, etc. Bad news.
If you need to verify this information, can make a call to LHDN at 1300-88-3010 or email to [email protected].”
Sumber: kredit
Tablet yang boleh diclaim cukai pendapatan: Tablet yang berfungsi seperti PC dan tidak mempunyai fungsi panggilan telefon yang menggunakan sim kad syarikat telekomunikasi, seperti Apple iPad 2, Toshiba Folio 100 and Blackberry Playbook dan sebagainya.
Tablet yang tidak boleh diclaim: Tablet yang mempunyai fungsi panggilan telefon menggunakan sim kad dari syarikat telekominikasi (seperti Celcom, Maxis, Digi), contoh: Samsung Galaxy Tab, Viewsonic ViewPad 7, CSL Spice Mi700 DroidPad, ZTE V9 dan sebagainya.